Wednesday, November 26, 2008
1.) I am thankful for my family, they are my heart and soul and the reason that I am on this Earth.
2.) I am thankful for the many friends that I have and the many good memories that we have shared.
3.) I am thankful that Christ died on the cross so that I could be saved and live in Heaven with him someday.
4.) I am thankful for the many mistakes that I have made that have helped me to be the person that I am today.
5.) I am thankful for the gift of being able to love everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from, and having so many blessings from this in my life.
6.) I am thankful that my daughter still loves me and still talks to me and wants me to know what is happening in her life.
7.) I am thankful for my husband and how hard he works for our family.
8.) I am thankful for my neighbors, they are so good and have become such a part of our extended family.
9.) I am thankful for the time that I was able to spend with my parents, and the lessons and morals that they taught me.
10.) I am thankful that I have a good job and great hours, and that I am able to help provide for my family.
11.) I am thankful that I have a warm place to sleep and food on my table.
12.) I am thankful that my family still loves each other enough to get together for the holidays and that I am a part of that.
13.) I am thankful for the many opportunities that I have to help those less fortunate than me.
14.) I am thankful for love, most of all Gods undying love for us......... what gift could be better than to have a glad heart?
15.) I am thankful for you. If you are reading this, you are my friend, and I love you, and wish you the Happiest Thanksgiving ever!!!
Happy Turkey Day everyone and don't eat too much, although I know I will!!!! Love you guys!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Warning... camera bogarting going on. :)
They so totally look deranged in this one.
Wish I would have had this kind of confidence when I was this age.
Okay, so this one is a bit more stable.
This is Adriana, Lacey's best friend and my other kiddo..... We have been thinking about adopting her since she is at the house so much, but her parents might not like that. We love her like she is our own and feel priviledged that she feels the same way about us.
Hope you guys enjoyed these as much as I did. I will have some new ones on here after Thanksgiving. Hope you all have a wonderful Turkey day!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
This is scary.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Get together
Friday, October 17, 2008
Has It Really Been THAT Long?
For some reason in my mind, it seems like we should all still be those youngsters not yet ready to go out into the real world, hanging onto our youth as tightly as we could, but still wanting to be granted the independence of adulthood. It does not seem possible to me that so much time has passed. Some of us have teenagers and are about to go through what our parents went through with us. (My dad always did say I would pay for my raising.:))
Looking at the shirt brought back so many great memories, like the Senior trip we all took to Hot Springs, all of the trips that we took with our youth group, hanging out in the locker room after a game either elated or disappointed, but sharing it together. Those were some great times in our lives. I know that we didn't understand it then, but what would we all give to go back just for one day or one week knowing what we know now. I think we would cherish those times all the more. Ang this got me thinking about the time you, Amy and I were having a sleepover at your house and were having a huge discussion about 2 in the morning about angels and devils and the phone pager went off, but your grandparents were asleep. I also thought about your 16th birthday party when we all went out cruising, and would have gotten into a wreck if your senses hadn't told you to get in the other lane when you did.
I thought about the time when we all went to Beta convention in Little Rock and had that dance, and those guys from Fouche Valley wouldnt leave us alone. lol. I remember when we were all in headstart in Appleton and would fight over the tricycles. lol. I remember in Kindergarten when we all had a crush on Dirk Hart and would fight to be his "Princess" at the top of the monkey bars. lol..... I think about Susan's little yellow "Banana" car, and all of the places that it went with how many people in in? LOL.
We all have some great memories together and are so lucky to have been able to share great times like that. I am so proud that life has been so good to us all, and that we are healthy and happy and full of love, all of us with a happy heart and great friends, no matter how far away they are. We have truly been blessed!!! Love you guys!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Lacey's First Dance

I thought this was cute.... Lacey did it herself.

This is Lacey and Cailem's sister's daughter Brittney. They are about 8 months apart, but they act like sisters. I love these two!!!
Not much else going on around here with the exception of her Halloween party in a couple of weeks, and the constant kiddos at the house. This is my life... at least for another 5 years or so, and then I think I will be lost. :) Hope you all have a great day!!! Love you guys!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Remembering my brother
Go and visit him more often.
Not get so mad when he didn't show up for family functions, and took them to him, instead of expecting him to have the willpower to show up.
Tell him I loved him every day, whether he was happy with me or not.
Go fishing with him, since it was his favorite thing.
Saw the signs, and helped him deal with his agony.
Looked over my anger at how he took care of himself and took more time to help him to do it right.
Tell him I forgive him for things he did when he was younger.
Take the time to actually spend some quality time with him and not just an hour here or there.
Tell him how much I appreciated the things he did for me when I was growing up, such as getting me out of my house and away from our mother during the summer.
Laughed with him more.
Sang with him more.
Walked with him more.
Took more trips to Heber Springs with him.
Told him what I was feeling, not holding back just because it might hurt his feelings.
Made him feel special.
These are just a few of the things I would have done. You would think I would have learned by now never to take people for granted, since losing both Mom and Dad at a young age, but when I look back on his situation, sometimes it seems as if that is what I did. Then other times, I look at it completely different. Sometimes I see that I was so afraid of any conflict that I was protecting myself by putting up those walls and shutting him out, so it wouldnt hurt so much when something DID happen to him. I was so wrong for doing that, but you can't take things back, and you can only move forward day by day. So, my promise to myself from now on is to let everyone in my life that I love and cherish know just how much they mean to me each time I get a chance. For you guys who read my blog, thank you for all you have done for me. Thank you for being my friend against all obstacles. Thank you for believing in me and hanging in there with me throughout the tough times in life. Thank you for hanging out with me when we were growing up, and giving me rides when I didnt have any and smelled like a big old ashtray from being in the house where both of my parents smoked inside. Thank you for being wonderful friends and loving me for who I am and who I was. I love you guys and I hope you all have a wonderful day!!! LOVE YOU!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What a Crazy Life
Lacey is getting older everyday, and she is now a teenager. This killed me when it finally happened, but then sometimes I look at her and can still see the cute little one whose grin could melt an iceberg. I am constantly reminded when I look at her to take all of the time that I can get with her, as I dont have very long that she will actually want to be around me.
I had to take her to the doctor yesterday, as she had some spots come up on her shoulder over the weekend. Staph has been going around the Jr. High, and I was like "OH NO!!!!" Luckily, it was just a case of shingles...... What in the world... I thought that Shingles was for old people, but apparently I was wrong. They can affect anyone who has had the chicken pox, and anyone who has not can contract chicken pox from Lacey... is that messed up or what?
She is in a lot of pain, but still able to go to school and still able to practice off season basketball. She is glad of this, since tryouts are next week, and she is really hoping she makes it. I am so lucky that she tries out for things. She tried out for cheerleading and drill team, but didn't make either one of them, but she kept on and didn't let it get her down. If I have taught her nothing else, at least I know that I have helped her with that.
That is always such a scary thing, hoping that you are teaching your kids right. To be honest with you, it scares me to death to think that one day she will have to be out there on her own and go off of what I have taught her. I hope that I have done a good job, as I have certainly tried very hard. I guess I will just have to wait and see. Hope you are all doing good and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Missing My Kiddo

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