Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lacey's First Dance

This last weekend was Lacey's first real "Boy/Girl" dance at school. They didn't have to have a date to go, and she had a blast. I think their first formal dance is this winter, and I am not really looking forward to it, but nonetheless, it is coming rapidly. :) Hope this finds you all well and doing great. My week started out slow by cleaning the carpets and cooking and doing laundry, but I work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, so here I am at work. I have my work done and can leave when I do, but it is a little quieter here than it is at home, so I choose to stay here for a while and finish up any odds and ends that are left. :) I have been busy trying to come up with reasons for her to stay home as of late, though, which kinda sucks, considering the fact that "Mom" as I know it doesnt exist anymore.... I am now just a lowly chauffeur. lol.

I thought this was cute.... Lacey did it herself.

Looks like they are having a pretty good time to me... but then Im a mom.. what do I know? :)

Those kids are such a mess!! Reminds me of another bunch of kids when we were about 13 or 14. LOL.

Are they not too darn cute? It still makes me sad every time I look at them.. weren't they just in 2nd grade yesterday?

This is Lacey and Cailem's sister's daughter Brittney. They are about 8 months apart, but they act like sisters. I love these two!!!

Not much else going on around here with the exception of her Halloween party in a couple of weeks, and the constant kiddos at the house. This is my life... at least for another 5 years or so, and then I think I will be lost. :) Hope you all have a great day!!! Love you guys!

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