Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Get together

So everyone, I really liked the idea that Michelle had about all of us getting together soon. Name the time and place and I will be there... Miss you all. I know what you all mean about being busy. I only have one kiddo, but she keeps me hopping all of the time. Between her, work, and trying to get done with school, I barely have time to get over the previous day's activities before it is time for a new one. I don't see how you guys with 3 or more kiddos do it. You are my heros!


Brandy Matchett said...

I agree I would love to get together with everyone. But Michelle lives in one direction and Angela lives in the other. And the way Susan's schedule looks on her blog we would have to catch her as she drove by. any way I would love to see everyone when we are not going to a funeral, that would be great.

Michelle Weir said...

I really don't know when the next time will be for me to be able to come down, but maybe if Angela says when she is coming down, I can plan a trip then. (did you get that Angela?:)

The Hons said...

I would love that.... I even thought about trying to do a girl's weekend where we all go together and rent a suite and just hang out and talk like old times